Dear Theophilous,
Sometimes I think it’s worse than Christmas… Every year Lent
sneaks up on me, and I feel unprepared; left scrambling to put together a
Lenten sacrifice. Forced to make a decision on Ash Wednesday, I either fall
back on traditional favourites (chocolate & booze), or I try to become an
aesthetic monk overnight. Much like the Christmas gifts purchased on December
24th, these last minute Lenten ideas are doomed to fail from the
So, with a week to go before Ash Wednesday, I’m beginning in
earnest to think about how best to use Lent to bend my own stiff-necked will
towards God’s. As I have done the past few years, I want to build my sacrifice
on the 3 Pillars of Lent: Prayer, Fasting and Sacrifice. And like every year, I
have a hard time figuring out where to start.
This year, however, as my preparation for Lent has been
percolating in the back of my mind over the past couple of weeks, the Holy
Spirit has continually whispered that I need to use Lent to look beyond Easter.
At first this idea seemed silly, Lent is a time to prepare for Easter, and the
sacrifice is supposed to end with the greatest feast in the Catholic calendar.
But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Lent is supposed to be
a life changing experience; and how can our sacrifice have any value if we
simply slip back into our old habits once the 40 days are over?
So this year I am planning my Lent with an eye to beyond
Easter. By leaning on the Three Pillars of Lent, I hope to make changes that
after 40 days will become habit.
As those who have followed this blog over the years know,
I’m quite honest about how my prayer life tends to ebb and flow like ocean
tides. There are times (weeks and months even) where I can be on a spiritual
high; while there are other points in the year when I beat myself up for
letting my prayer life slip. I find this ebb and flow of prayer life tends to
follow the seasons, and it’s during the dark days of winter that I fall into
the dark days of my soul. I need an extra push to get out of bed before the sun
rises in the morning, as well as a (not so) gentle nudge to pull on boots and
parka to walk the dogs and say my Rosary. It’s as though my prayer
get-up-and-go got-up-and-went with the end of the Christmas season.
Although Lent is meant to be a season of barren preparation
to mirror Christ’s 40 days in the desert, I see it as a season of renewal in my
prayer life. Lent is a time to take up once again all of those prayer promises
I have made throughout the year, yet have let wane. I won’t go out of my way to
start any new prayer practices during Lent; I’ve already done that sporadically
throughout the year. What I will do, however, is make good on those promises,
hopefully making prayer habits that will endure day 41 and beyond.
Much like my prayer life, when it comes to fasting I all too
often make promises that I can’t keep, so Lent is also a time of renewal of
lost habits along with a season specific sacrifice. Recently, I have tried to
take on the Early Christian tradition of fasting on both Wednesdays and Fridays
– something that is easy enough to do while busy at work; an all-together much
more difficult beast to tame once I get home or on holidays.
Although fasting can take on many different forms, and the
rules put out by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops are probably
purposefully vague (“Fasting means cutting down on the amount and
richness of our food and drink”), on days of fasting I try to limit myself to 2 small meals
(usually breakfast and lunch) and one medium-sized meal (dinner). My Achilles
heal is snacking. Getting home from school ravenous, I’ll look to the cupboard
to see what can tie me over until dinner. The problem is, once the first snack
is munched, the floodgates open and I can’t stop until I feel guilty having
taken seconds at supper. The only strategy I find that works is to avoid the
temptation to sin, keeping the cupboards bare.
other challenge I find during times of fasting are weekends and holidays. There
is always that awkward moment when visiting friends or family when I need to
explain why I’m not eating, or at least not eating as much as I usually do. As
I look forward into lent, however, I see this as a chance to witness and
explain the faith, as well as an opportunity to strengthen my Christian
resolve. If I can be strong is something as small as fasting, I’ll be all the
more ready when God calls on me for a bigger sacrifice.
giving seems like the forgotten Lenten Pillar. Everyone is so focussed on what
they are giving up for Lent, they forget that there can be a positive side to
this season of sacrifice, and we can do something to help our fellow human. In
past years my Lenten resolve has been to put a certain sum of money into the
poor box on a weekly basis. Happily, this has become a habit that has extended
beyond the Lenten season, so I can no longer lean on this as part of my Lenten
sacrifice. So now I need to get creative…
Having prayed on this aspect of my Lent
for this year, I have thought to link my Lenten fasting to almsgiving. Lately,
as a family, we have become more and more susceptible to the habit of eating
out. Over busy and over tired, we will quickly fall for the quick solution of
eating out instead of preparing even the simplest of meals at home. This year
(with my family’s cooperation, of course), I would like us to fast from eating
out, and using the money we save (which has the potential to be considerable)
for almsgiving. Hopefully this too will become a habit once Lent is over.
So, my dear Theophilous, I encourage
you to take this last week before Lent begins to prayerfully think about the sacrifices
of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving that you want to undertake. When preparing
for your Lent this year, have and eye to beyond Easter so that your Lenten
Sacrifice can become an Easter Habit.